charity for tv

Hm, media this week...

I mostly feel like I'm on a computer almost all day, every day, for classes and homework. And my eyes start to hurt and my head feels weird and then I don't want to look at any more screens ever but at that point I still need to. 

I've actually been trying what someone commented in class, that if your eyes hurt from looking at a screen too long, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. I feel like it's given my eyes a nice break. 

I've also been trying what Dr. Coyne suggested -- to once an hour stand up and take a walk around. That's helped my screen/class/homework time seem more manageable too. 

But then my husband and I spent almost all day today outside, in the mountains, at the park, and on no screens (which means we neglected homework), and I felt so happy. 

I'm definitely one for more old-fashioned media. Books... that's the only old-fashioned kind I can think of! Well music, too, I guess. I love music. 

(My husband found his mission music last night, and he was SO excited! He stayed up late trying to transfer the songs from his mission flashdrive to his phone, and we listened to a bunch of church songs and Tongans singing a cappella, really pretty harmonies (he served in Tonga)! He got really excited and happy -- that music definitely takes him to a place of power and memories.) 

And last night coming back from a corn maze we accidentally ended up jamming to Michael Jackson and dancing in the car down the freeway and that was really, something.  I love Michael Jackson.

One thing that I've known I need to work on for years, and that is still in the works, is having a more positive attitude toward media. I don't want to be so automatically condemning toward it. I obviously love music and stories and I do love some movies, but I think that the scriptures' plea for patience and long-suffering might extend to media and that being critical of or really disliking it, probably isn't going to make my life better. I don't have to enjoy spending all day on screens, I know, and I'm not even obligated to turn to them in my free time. But, channeling negativity toward them (maybe because I get burned out from homework and class) is pretty pointless and just really not what I want.

It's fine if screen-media doesn't make me stoked, but there's no point in it being something that makes me unhappy. That's my own fault if it does, and I want to do better.


  1. I definitely 100% agree with you on my love of old media. I definitely prefer books to anything else as well, it's just a shame that it's so hard to carve out time with everything going on with school and work to be able to really be able to just sit down and read a book. But I love your suggestions of changing your perspective to just make sure that screens aren't something you HATE even while you may not love them. I think our perspective is so important and I love that thought!

  2. I think you brought up some excellent points. No matter how we see media (good or bad), we should always try to see it from the other perspective. Also, as you suggest, we do not have to love it or hate it. If we constantly praise media, we will never see the bad side. If we are always critical of media, we will never see the good side.

  3. I loved this. This was such a good reminder of always staying positive and remembering to do something that will benefit you.


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